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An everyday walk.

Pastor Amaya Stewart


It’s an everyday walk.

I was praying one day and the words "It’s an everyday walk" sprung up in prayer.

Serving God is an everyday walk. Living right is an everyday walk. Taking the instruction and the Word is an everyday walk. Every day you wake up, choose to have your mind set on living for God.

Jesus also had to take things day by day and grow up into the man his father made him to be. We all walk with one foot in front of the other and need to lean and trust in God to guide us on our journey.

If God is not guiding us, it’s our flesh, and that is the devil. The devil wants to create stumbling blocks in your walk, but don’t let the devil win.

The first step is deciding to be saved.
The next step is receiving the Holy Ghost.

We learn daily.
Choose daily who you will serve.
And God will be with you day by day to help you.
Make up your mind every day to serve the Lord.

The devil will try to turn you away from God, but don’t let him. As my Pastor and Pop Pop Chief Apostle H.C. Gunn said, ”The devil didn’t stop us from being saved by Jesus, so we can’t let him stop us now!”

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