Be Steadfast Like a Tree
Pastor Amaya Stewart
The young men in our youth choir sing a song titled, "In Your Will."
In one of the verses, it says, "I will be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in you.”
Steadfast means unmovable, firm, unwavering, firmly fixed in placed, etc.
We have to be steadfast in Jesus, we can’t let one situation or anyone or anything cause us to be shaken. When we say we trust in God, we can’t let what may come our way cause us to be scared and get out of place.
When I pray, I like to say: “God help me stay rooted and grounded in you.” Trees have strong roots that are buried deep in the ground. You can’t just go push a tree over. In order for a tree to fall it has to either be cut down or a storm may cause it to break, and even then they can grow again.
We have to be a tree that will never fall. I'm not saying things may not bother you, or cause you to be scared, etc. But, in Jesus we can be steadfast. We can’t let Satan come and cut our trunk down!
In trusting Jesus, you have to have faith and be steadfast. Anything will come to try to knock us down, but if we are steadfast, we can’t be moved. We have to trust God over what any man may say or what the world says.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. 14 Let all your things be done with charity.