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How many times has Jesus wept?

Pastor Amaya Stewart


Last week on the broadcast, Chief Apostle H.C. Gunn talked about the story of Lazarus.

He was teaching how Jesus told Mary and Martha that the sickness he had would not end in death, but he still died (John 11). Mary and Martha had asked Jesus why he wasn’t there to heal Lazarus, and the disciples were questioning Jesus too.

I reread the story and I started to ask God for forgiveness. Jesus told them that the disease would not end in death, saying even if he died, Jesus could raise Lazarus up, and they didn’t believe him at his word or ensure that they fully understood what he told them.

We know that this chapter says that Jesus wept. As I was reading my commentary in the Bible, it said he wept not just for his friends but because his children didn’t believe him. All they had to do was believe and ask Jesus to resurrect Lazarus, and he did. But his children and those he calls his friends didn't have faith in what he told them and the power with him through his Father. I started crying because I felt Jesus' pain.

He always tells us the truth and he just wants us to believe him and what he told us. Jesus loves us and he will never hurt us. He speaks life, encouragement, and Godly correction for our edification, and all we have to do is have faith, believe, and love him back.

Jesus showed them the power that was with him, and Lazarus rose. Think about how many times Jesus wept because we didn’t have faith. He is for us, so who can be against us?

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