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Let God Transform You

Pastor Amaya Stewart


Earlier this week the word “conqueror” hit my mind during prayer. God gave us the victory to conquer everything satan, the adversary, this world, our flesh, ourselves, etc. may try to throw at us to make us fail.

When we are trying to serve God, everything will come to make us turn our backs on him, but we can’t let that happen. On the weekly broadcast, Chief Apostle Gunn, my Pop Pop said, “let God transform you.”

We have to let God transform us into the soldiers he needs us to be in his army. A soldier is meant to conquer the enemy, and that's what we are supposed to do. Without Jesus, we can’t conquer the enemy. God gave us the victory, and he even gave us the love we need to love him.

God is amazing, and we have to let him transform us to be the mighty soldier he needs us to be because we have to win other souls, and we have to help spread God's word, and accomplish everything else God is depending on us to do!

I want to say Happy Belated Mother’s Day! I know it was last week. But I am grateful and appreciative of all the women who help me in whatever it may be.

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