The Storm is Over Now
Pastor Amaya Stewart
The Storm is Over Now!
Peter and the rest of the disciples were on a boat, and they were caught in the middle of a storm. Jesus was praying on the mountain while the disciples were experiencing this storm. Jesus came were the disciples were and he started to walk on water, and Peter said, Lord if this is you command me to come to you.
Peter was walking on water until he lost faith and he fell in the water. The point I’m trying to make is God has given and shown you that the storm is over now, but you have to have faith. Sometimes we look at our situation, what we don’t have, what we need, etc., but God already told us he is our provider, and he is our strong tower.
When we don’t exercise faith in our storm, then we will continue to go through it. God is telling us that if we have faith as little as a mustard seed we can get through our storm, whatever it may be. So many times we let our situation get the best of us, and we don’t call on the one who already said he is our provider. Walk in faith and trust in God that whatever may be going on -- it will pass, and it will make you stronger, and you can be a witness to help someone else know that the storm is over now!
Matthew 14:22-33