After the Sin...Get Up: The Watch Letter
My nephew and godson, Daniel, turned 3 on March 1. But his heart to use all of himself to praise God is not toddler sized. During a broadcast on April 25, 2022, Chief Apostle H.C. Gunn testified about Daniel (also his grandson).
Since he was big enough to coordinate with his hands and feet, he has expressed a talent for music and praising God, which was instilled in him by his parents and several others walking with God. He took to playing the drums from the very beginning and would run to play the adult-sized drums at church. Today, he has his own set of drums at the church and plays them without hesitation each service.
Chief Apostle Gunn said Daniel’s testimony is that he has already released himself to God to play the drums and serve him with his talents because his heart was open to God. He shared that one of our members, Apostle Keta, saw Daniel in the spirit for several weeks with a heart on his forehead. Chief Apostle said that the heart on his forehead was talking about the willingness and openness in his heart toward God.
Some of us have been saved for years and decades and have yet to grow to a toddler-sized willingness and open heart like Daniel. Where is the heart on our foreheads?
Chief Apostle Gunn said: All it takes is an open heart, but we try to make it complicated. That is the solution to our deliverance, our faithfulness, and recovery from sin.
He taught from Joshua 7. Joshua was used to winning in battle, but this time his army was defeated. It was sin that was the cause. One of the children of Israel sinned against God and touched the accursed things -- material things, money, and things of idolatry -- taken for personal gain. Their success in battle was for the glory of the Lord and His will to be accomplished, not for them to plunder. Stealing of all forms -- sin. Selfishness and greed -- sin. Rebellion against God -- sin. Going against Godly instruction -- sin. The person who took the accursed things was drawn to them because of a closed heart to God and unwillingness to humble himself, obey and serve.
The Lord said to Joshua and his people: "You can’t stand before your enemies, until you take away the accursed thing from among you.” The accursed thing represents sin.
Chief Apostle Gunn asked: What do we do with our circumstances? When things don’t go our way and we don’t land on our feet, will we back up on God? So, often we do. (Some months ago, Chief Apostle warned us of a vision God gave him of drawback spirits coming down via skyscrapers. Have we allowed those things we hold too high to cause us to draw back?)
Joshua was sorrowful that they had lost the battle. He went to lay before God in prayer. He was mourning the loss of his men and the loss in battle. But the Lord did not want Joshua to stay down on the ground. It was not time for that! He told him: Get up! Why do you lie on your face? Israel has sinned, and they transgressed my covenant.
It was time to deal with the sin.
Chief Apostle Gunn said it is what we do with the situation that reveals our willingness and open heart for God. He said don’t stay there! Sometimes it's time to stop praying and get up and deal with the source of the problem or the sin.
He said anybody can fall but it's what you do with the down. He said God counts the ups but doesn’t count how many times you lay down or someone or something knocks you down. It’s about your willingness to get up again. He said God will take any situation in your life when you are willing to journey on and refuse to quit on God, and he will turn it around.
Chief Apostle said: The devil will tell you to stay down when God says get up. Who will you listen to? Part of getting up is repenting. For example, he said the Word tells us: if we are at ought with a brother or sister in Christ or even within our homes, God desires we don’t just straightaway pray about it, first we get up and go to that person, communicate, confess, and repent.
He said if you don’t want to partake in the accursed thing you will confess it, resist it, let go of it, and rebuke it.
He said stop worrying about how bad you look and what you have lost or don’t/won’t have. Humble yourself and do what it takes to get up. Sometimes we want to stay on our face and pray and not deal with the situation, but God is saying get up! If someone hurt you, mistreated you, misunderstood you, disrespected you, disappointed you, overlooked you, did not help you in the way you expected, or didn’t give you something or say something to you in the nice package you wanted it in, don’t stay down, get up from there. Don't let that draw you to the accursed thing/sin.
Chief Apostle Gunn said when you have a sincere heart and you’re glad about being saved you will be willing to get up and journey on.
He showed us that materialism and worldliness are like hay and hay in the spirit means nothing. We so often get stuck right there just like the person who touched the accursed thing in Joshua’s camp. We fall to the desire for things/self and what we think we should have, and it costs us everything. Why lose everything over nothing? Get up! Don't let the accursed things distract you from what God has called you to do.
Below is the link to today’s FORREAL RADIO BROADCAST with Chief Apostle Gunn. The message is titled, “The Problem is Sin.” These messages are almost a year apart but God’s warning and correction to us has not changed and both tie into last week’s broadcast too. This is an emergency and no coincidence. Let’s get up!