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False Profit…Stretch: The Watch Letter

“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”

1 Corinthians 13:13. This scripture came up on my phone early this morning and I believe it was the Lord.

I had a chance to listen to the message “I Reckon,” today’s FORREAL RADIO BROADCAST, a few days early and the scripture above summed it all up for me. One thing Chief Apostle H.C. Gunn said on the broadcast that stood out was that generosity was a key principle of the New Testament. Throughout the New Testament, we learn that what often separated people from following the Lord was a love of money, status, power, materialism but charity drew others closer to him.

You see, the charity in 1 Corinthians 13 is not just another word for love, it also means generosity and being willing to give of your substance (money) to help. Generosity also means freely and abundantly sharing. And this ties right into love. Because Chief Apostle Gunn has taught us that when you love God, you must also love him with what you possess. All that you have should be available to him and to the household of faith because it should not mean more to you than God does.

The scripture bears it out. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8: “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God can make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.”

If you note, in 1 Corinthians 13, it says that faith, hope and charity abide. Abide means to remain, survive, stand, and endure. So, everything else we are investing in will not abide. Chief Apostle Gunn also taught us to make sure that what counts to us is what counts to God.

Today’s post is called “False Profit … Stretch” because it's time for us to stop seeking profit that has false results. Financial or societal profit is temporal, and it disappears like vapor. Man’s version of profit rusts and corrupts (Matthew 6:19-21). When we let go of what we are holding on to, then we can fully stretch out our hands to God in surrender and fully receive his eternal provisions.

Proverbs 3 says “Honor the Lord with thy substance.” So, when we receive financially, we are to treat it as an honor to God. Honor is not just praise and worship. Honor is also a financial term. It is tied to words like honorarium, which means a voluntary recompense for a service or help provided to you. This ties into why the Word says God loves a cheerful giver, someone who voluntarily gives to him their substance out of gratitude and love - withholding nothing.

Today’s broadcast was preached straight from Heaven. It’s time to stop trying to enrich ourselves and let God give us his eternal inheritance.

  • The Lord told Chief: “I am looking to enrich my people in every way and to expand my people, but don’t refuse to stretch.”

  • We stretch by investing in and allowing God to fully have reign in our homes and lives, not certain parts. God should be able to be comfortable in our living rooms, meaning he should be settled into our homes. (Is God invited? Or are we afraid that he will see what we are keeping from him.)

  • We get tense when God asks us for money from that account or money we keep to the side.

  • It is time to reinvest ourselves in God. He wants us to be enriched so that no matter how much food costs during this time of inflation, we will have more than enough.

  • We are so busy chasing after being able to afford steak, but what if God wants us with more than steak? He wants us with cattle. He wants us to own the ranch.

  • We should be willing to sow what we have to help get the gospel out. We should be willing to sow into our neighbor in Christ. (That means giving not just to your bloodline family or the people in your house.)

  • God is calling us to sow because he is trying to enrich and enlarge us.

  • Stop coming to church and trying to keep hiding the money you were supposed to give a long time ago. God is calling for it with interest.

  • There is no true prosperity or vision without vision from the Lord. Let God re-invigorate you so he can re-envision your life.

  • He is calling us to be the head and not the tail, but we keep letting the demon of stinginess drag us by the tail.

  • If you are weak in giving and investing in God, or helping and sharing, tell God about you and choose to go deeper in him and God will tell you how to rebuke that devil.

  • Remember that God wants to enrich us with the manifestation of the power he has already given us and power that will help others get delivered. But because we are locked up by what we want to have/keep, we are holding ourselves back from that power and others, including our families, from deliverance.

2 comentarios

The Body of Christ Inc.
The Body of Christ Inc.
02 abr 2023

Amen! Thank you!

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Taketa Wiggins
Taketa Wiggins
02 abr 2023

Great job, Apostle Kanya, and thank you for the recap of the broadcasts & shared word thar you have been's a great source of help!!!! I remember the times that I wouldn't invest in the things of God...I was interested in making sure my bills were paid and the I had overflow for whatever I wanted to do, oh but when I really got saved & serious about my salvation, my monetary habits changed (my money got saved with me 😂)...we forget that we can't take none of this worldly stuff with us & what we put in our heavenly accounts is what's going to matter!!!! Keep building the kingdom & stay encouraged!!!❤️

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