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(Fatherly) Quality Assurance: The Watch Letter

Psalm 60:10: For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou hast tried us, as silver is tried.

This post is about quality assurance. On today's FORREAL Radio Broadcast, Chief Apostle H.C. Gunn shared that the quality of Abraham's prayers allowed him to pray to, draw close to, and obey God as Father. And because of the quality of his prayers, he was also able to be a godly and quality Father to his family and the nations that would come from his promised seed.

Chief Apostle Gunn said that just like anything made, there are factors that reveal and test its quality. Before it makes it to the public, a product is usually tested to ensure it meets the company's quality standards. God, the Father, the chief creator of this universe, also has quality standards for his creation. Chief Apostle Gunn explained that when we are putting in quality time with God our Father, in prayer, it will show in the way our lives are working and being lived; and how we are walking out who God called us to be from the foundation of this world.

Chief Apostle shared a powerful revelation that God planned our lives before he even formed the world, just like he planned salvation before mankind ever sinned. Now, that's a great Father: planning and preparing for his children's spiritual success and their eternity.

Just like Jesus's prayers to the Father gave him the direction, strength, wisdom, faith, and humility he needed to walk out his calling on the earth and in heaven (to die for our sins, resurrect with all power in his hands, send the comforter, and rule on the throne with God); our prayers are what give us the direction, strength, wisdom, faith, and humility we need to accomplish God's will for our lives on earth and take our place in the Kingdom.

Job 23:10 says: But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.

Yes, God, our Father, knows the way we should take. But how can we know the way less we draw close to him as Abraham did. Because of Jesus, we have no excuse. We have nothing blocking us from getting as close as we want to God. Jesus's sacrifice tore down the separation walls of sin, making him the way. So if you want to get to the Father, ensure that you have accepted the Son.

1 Timothy 2:5-6: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

Chief Apostle Gunn is continuing to show us that the key to effective prayer and effective life is to first acknowledge God as our Father and to offer him our adoration, conformity to his will, our repentance, our love, and ask him for his guidance. He taught us:

  • Don't just start dumping problems on him

  • Talk to him and reverence him

  • Seek out his mind and his way

  • Prayer is not about us. It is about Him.

This reminded me of a story Apostle Terah told me that she heard someone else share. There was a Father and his daughters who went shopping. If I remember the story correctly: he gave them a budget to spend, and as soon as they were there, two daughters took off running, seeing what they could get for themselves in the store, but one daughter stayed back. She wanted to walk and talk with her Father and enjoy the store with him. And she wanted to get his opinion on what was best for her to purchase, so as they walked and talked and enjoyed each other's company, and she learned what her Father liked best for her, he began to tell her to go ahead and buy those things because he was pleased with actions and choices. When they got to the check-out counter, the other sisters saw that she had more items and was above their budget. But the Father told the caring daughter to go ahead and get what she wanted. While the other daughters just wanted what they could get for themselves, the daughter who left the store with the most did so because she wanted first to acknowledge and spend time with her Father, and she wanted to wear and do what he approved of. And that is how we access all that God has planned for us.

Establishing a relationship with God, as Father, in our praying and how we live allows us to be instructed and reared by him as a child should, so we can know how to navigate life. That is what a good Father does. He doesn't just teach the child how to accomplish or garner things in life; he leads the child in how to live a Godly, faithful and fruitful life. Not just by words, but by example. Abraham taught Isaac how to worship, obey, sacrifice, give, care, lead, watch, wait, listen, and believe in real-time because Isaac saw his Father doing what God said and doing what was right.

It's time to put an end to that wicked and cursed saying the world says: "do as I say and not as I do." That is teaching your child to be rebellious, fake, double-minded, and unfaithful. As children, we imitate what we see and that is by design. God intended for us do as we see our parents do. In fact, I found some historic definitions that explain that parent means pattern or to reproduce a pattern.

As Jesus said in John 5: The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does."

During today's broadcast, "A Father Like God," Chief broke down the story of Abraham in Genesis 22 and how his closeness to God as Father made him a good Father. He was willing to do whatever it took to please God. And when you are eager to do whatever it takes to please God, you can raise generations who will do the same.

As he was teaching the message, and I went back over the scripture, I believe there is a test for us to take from Genesis 22. We need to answer some quiz questions that will reveal to us the quality of our prayers and the quality of our relationship with our Father God. As I write this, I am asking myself these questions, and I have work to do.

Will we pass the Quality Assurance Test?

A. How often has God heard you say, "Here am I!"? When he called you ... how quickly have you ran to be obedient and ran to sit as his feet as Mary did in Luke 10:38-42.

B. How often do you go exactly to the place or thing God called you to, or do you take a detour or set your own route?

C. Will you rise early to hear or do what God said no matter how hurt, tired, afraid, confused, concerned you are?

D. Are you willing to offer God everything, even giving back what he promised you?

E. Do you take God at his word? Even when it doesn't look like it, do you believe the outcome will be just as he said?

F. Do you see the big picture? Do you see the eternal impact of your decisions and your obedience, or are you only focused on what you can do and have right now?

G. Will you worship God and tell him thank you, even when you have lost something/someone important to you or have had to give up your very last? Will you count it all joy when God requires something hard to let go of?

H. Have you withheld from God? Or have you willingly laid everything at his feet? Whether that be your praise, your prayers, your fasting, your study time, your givings/finances, your relationships, your business, your career, your home, your vehicle ....whatever he desires?

I. Are you being a partner with God in seeing his promise fulfilled? Abraham knew God promised him to be the Father of a great nation and that it would come through his promised son. Still, he also knew he had a role to play in making that happen, and he knew his obedience to God calling for the sacrifice of his son was the key to that promise. He saw God's infinite wisdom and knew God would not ask him to do something for naught or ask him to give something that God himself wouldn't do. God indeed gave up his Son, just like he asked Abraham to do. Proving that what God asks of his children is not grievous or unattainable because he leads by example as a good Father does. He wants us to do as we see him do.

Please read Genesis 22 and take time today to listen to the broadcast message "A Father Like God" here:

Please join us in praying for Chief Apostle Gunn and his wife, Apostle Felicia, as they are on the field doing the work of the Lord. Not many people will travel across the country to labor for God and fast and pray instead of vacationing. That is a testimony to the quality of their prayers and relationship with God and they are leading by example as parents to us all. You can sow a seed toward their trip here:

I love you and pray that this is the hour of our turnaround. - Apostle Kanya


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