God's good - The Watch Letter
Is your good God’s good?
Is what you're planning, choosing, or doing good to God or just good to you?
How about how you help, support, participate, and give to the ministry? Is it just good to you or is it good to God?
Is your prayer life, time spent in the Word, fasting, and worship, just good to you or is it good to God?
Is how you live your life and carry and conduct yourself just good enough for you and your family’s traditions or is it good in God’s eyes?
Our Pastor, Chief Apostle H.C. Gunn, has been teaching on this lately at The Body of Christ, Inc. He showed us that sometimes we can say we have been good to people and good to God but our definition of good is way off.
We aren't accurate in taking the time to consider and reason what God defines as good. And the way to know what is good to God is in his Word, especially in the Epistles of the New Testament.
Chief Apostle Gunn also taught us that sometimes we can think because we are gifted, highly-anointed, called by God, and respected in our family and community that everything we do is good, but not so! I can see even in writing this message where my good has not been God's.
If our motives our wrong and our flesh is leading us instead of the HOLY Spirit and we are compromising to make us feel good about being good then we are calling what is evil good and what is good evil.
ISAIAH 5:20: "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"
It’s so easy to think what we do is good because it checks off all the “right boxes,” but if it’s not good by God’s standards it’s not good. Genesis 1:12 is the perfect example that only God can determine what is good: "And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good."
MARK 10:18-21 says: "And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother. And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me."
Here’s an example that God helped me to see.
Cain and Abel (GENESIS 4): Both of them checked off several boxes of what God required of them and both completed what they were asked to do but one of their efforts was rejected by God. Why?
It didn’t matter if it seemed good enough to them or their parents or to society. It was God’s definition of good that mattered and still matters today.
Abel brought an offering.
Cain brought an offering.
They both presented to God the results of their labor in the areas they were called to work.
But the Bible says Abel brought to God the best and fattest portions of the flock he kept and Cain only brought just some of the fruits produced from the soil he kept -- and the Word doesn’t say it was the best or first fruits.
Yet, God gave Cain another chance to correct his offering and make it good in God's sight, but since God would not accept Cain's version of good, he had a temper tantrum and ended up becoming a murderer, liar, blaming God, losing his place, etc. As these things happened, Cain could have humbled himself and concluded that his version of good was evil and that he needed to make things right with God and go after God's definition of good.
How many of us can see ourselves in Cain?
Reading the scripture and the teaching we’ve been getting from Chief Apostle Gunn is helping us to see that God never has and never will accept our just good enoughs from us.
God made us in his image, so he has made us capable, especially through the power of the Blood of Jesus and the Holy Ghost, of choosing to define good by his standards and not by our own, our family's, or the world’s culture. As Chief Apostle said years ago, God has made us "Abel."
So often, we hear people on TV, such as Oprah, talking about “living your best life” and we must be aware that that’s designed to draw us further away from God’s design for us to live the life HE desires from and for us.
We should instead GIVE our best life to him.
Speaking of giving our lives to God, I want to congratulate and announce that my niece Zaida - a high school student, and my nephew Sammy - a middle school student - gave their lives to Christ and got filled with the Holy Ghost the other week during our Holy Fire Choir Rehearsal.
Also, almost all of the young people in our church chose to be filled with the Holy Ghost! What a blessing and a miracle. Now we have many households in the Body where every family member has chosen salvation, from the adults to the children, including the toddlers!
God promised a revival of the youth and the pouring out of his Spirit to our Pastor and our Body years ago and it is happening just as he said.
Also, last Sunday, a young man, Cornell, received salvation with great joy during service! Congratulations Cornell! AND GLORY TO GOD!
The Lord gave Chief Apostle Gunn a vision a few days ago that he is multiplying the Body by the 100s. Many in desperate need of the Word and God's guidance are coming! Won't you join the revival and join us?
The latest broadcasts from Chief Apostle Gunn can heard here: