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God's House, the Devil's House, the Loud House or the Fun House? - The Watch Letter

Note: This message is a little longer today. I keep trying to edit it down, and I did, but I believe the Lord is impressing upon me: let them read all of it and please me not man. What needs to be said needs to be said. This is an emergency PLEASE don’t ignore this post.


What about the kingdom in your house? This question is from a message preached by Chief Apostle H.C. Gunn in February 2023. He asked: Is God on the throne? He said: Maybe we don’t know what kingdom we are in.

We’ve got to know for sure what kingdom we are in. So, what kingdom is ruling in us, our homes and our children?

How many of us can say 100% that the Kingdom of God is abiding in our homes? One way to know for sure is that Chief Apostle Gunn said that we bring the Kingdom of God into our lives, other’s lives and our situations by doing the word and doing what God says.

Romans 14:17 says “For the Kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

In other words, good food, family time and fun, won’t bring or sustain the Kingdom of God in our homes, but righteousness, peace and joy IN THE HOLY SPIRIT will. The world portrays good food, family time and fun as a happy home, but a home without God on the throne is sad.

We must check the spirit behind the activity in our homes. Our pastor teaches us that joy comes in the Holy Spirit. So, yes, the Lord does want us to enjoy one another but all things must be done by His Spirit. The presence of the Holy Spirit must be welcomed and abide in our homes to usher in the Kingdom of God. And that comes through doing Ephesians 5. (Read it!)

It is having the spirit of God and His holiness in us and our family that makes the good food, the family time and the fun fruitful and profitable for the Kingdom. Remember: Fruitless trees are cursed by God because that's not his will (Mark 11:12-25). And a lot of times we try to cover up our unfruitfulness with activity and amusement - that's really where the word diversion comes from. It doesn’t mean fun.

If your home is not God’s house, whose house is it? I remember years ago the Lord began to give certain families in our body names for their homes that represented how the presence of God was operating there? Do you still have that name for your home, or did you ever get a name from God? Something to examine.

And sometimes we can name our homes for ourselves but it's not God. I remember in one of the homes I lived in there were multiple family units and it was jokingly called the “Loud House.” At the time, there was a TV show by that name where the parents had a lot of kids, but in reflecting over it, it was about destructive and mischievous children whose parents were never really seen on the screen and the children seem to have complete control of the home and acted as the adults. The house was full of chaos and disorder. So, what kind of curse came in by naming that home “Loud House.”

Joshua declared his home for God, have we? “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15).” But he wasn’t just talking about just going to the temple (church), he was talking about ensuring his family represented a life of service to God even behind closed doors, even as they went about in the community.

If the kingdom of God is not in our homes, then there is another kingdom abiding: satan's kingdom. The devil knows the word too (that’s why he was able to quote scriptures when he tried to tempt Jesus). The devil goes to church too (what enemy doesn’t spy or try to distract?). The devil believes in fellowship too (he often gathers his demons, devices, witches, and warlocks together to plot evil).

One time a child told me that their parent taught them that when they come around the saints or church to dress, look or carry themselves a certain way but it's okay to do what they want at home. That is an example of a home where satan’s kingdom reigned. The devil is a liar and a master of disguise. So, in teaching their child that, they were teaching them to emulate the devil and not God. I remember when people taught their children that when they pass by a church or by an older person to turn their rap music down as a sign of respect, but if you look deeper, that music is disrespectful to God too. He can hear it, and it’s going into the atmosphere that he created anyway, no matter how low it's playing. So, if we really want the kingdom to abide, we should be teaching them that the music is not okay for their spirit, for others to hear and especially for God to hear. We must stop negotiating with satan and let God’s word and will stand.

It is time for us to sober ourselves and face the reality of what is happening in us, our homes and families. If we are producing or acting as fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, effeminate men/masculine women, abusers of self and others, thieves, coveters, drunkards, revilers, extortioners, then where is the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6 9-12)? The Bible says none of these things can inherit His Kingdom. If our home is always battling with any of the things above, then it's a good time to see where we haven’t invited the Kingdom of God and grieved the Holy Spirit, where he cannot dwell. The good news is we can repent. But after we repent, we must get things in order immediately. Hell moves fast so our change cannot be slow. Chief Apostle Gunn taught us that we must move from trying to doing.

Chief Apostle Gunn taught something so powerful once: If you are experiencing calamity after calamity, always going through, especially when you know you're not suffering for the cause of Christ -- because you aren't living for Christ, then that which is happening is revealing that you and your home are out of sync with God.

Psalm 91:9-11: Because thou hast made the LORD… thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, To keep thee in all thy ways.

A few weeks ago, Chief Apostle Gunn asked during a radio broadcast: Is God comfortable in all your home? Can he sit and lounge on your couch? Or is he only allowed in certain rooms and for certain times? Often, we don’t want God to make his abode in our homes because we still want satan to have access to our homes. We may say with our mouths that we don’t want the devil in our homes, but that’s only when we don’t want something bad to happen. But it's our actions, thoughts, plans and desires that give satan the keys. And he begins to build tunnels to and fro his kingdom in our home - which Chief Apostle Gunn taught us are devil stations. Even as you sit around the table, talk about scripture, go to church together, fellowship together, if the King, our God, and his spirit do not have full reign in your home, the devil is on the throne.

Psalm 24:7-10: Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.

Listen to this week’s FORREAL RADIO BROADCAST “It’s a Spiritual Thing”



The Body of Christ Inc.
The Body of Christ Inc.
Apr 23, 2023

That’s a blessing! Keep building! It will pay off after while! Thanks for sharing and reading!


Taketa Wiggins
Taketa Wiggins
Apr 16, 2023

Thank you Apostle Kanya for the message on today...It does have to be taken serious & it's time for us to make a decision!!!! I sat down with my children & we read and discussed the entry...Here's what I found out: We Have Work to Do in My Household!!! Both of my children pointed out that we are a house divided with only on person pushing to serve God (which is sad!!!!)...I explained to them what the Word said about a house divided & about lukewarmness because that what it reminded me of. Also, as a parent, I have told my kids things that were against the things of God & I encouraged rebellion, so that's the seed that I…

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