It Never Runs Out: The Watch Letter
The blood that Jesus shed for me
Way back on Calvary
The blood that gives me strength
From day to day
It will never lose its power
It reaches to the highest mountain
It flows to the lowest valley
The blood that gives me strength
From day to day
It will never lose its power
It soothes my doubts and calms my fears
And it dries all my tears
The blood that gives me strength
From day to day
It will never lose its power
It reaches to the highest mountain
It flows to the lowest valley
The blood that gives me strength
From day to day
It will never lose its power
Songwriter: Andrae Crouch
How often do we think about, talk about, receive, believe, and decree the shed blood of Jesus?
The song above is a great testimony to the power of the blood that was shed for our salvation, sanctification, deliverance, healing, and strength. It is amazing how blood that was shed thousands of years ago still has the same power. But for the blood to work in our lives, our Pastor Chief Apostle H.C. Gunn has taught us that we must look to it and to Jesus every day.
Chief Apostle Gunn always teaches us to plead the blood of Jesus over our daily lives, our homes/families, our bodies, situations, and the lives of others. Why?
One way to look at it is that the shed blood of Jesus is what has and will continue to stop the devil in his tracks. It demolishes sin, sickness, and death's power.
Pleading and remembering the shed blood of Jesus also causes us to draw from the power that went out from our Savior and literally shook the earth when Jesus gave his broken body for our liberty.
“And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent.” - Matthew 27:51
Hebrews 9:14 says the blood of Jesus has the power to purge our conscience from dead works so that we can serve the living God.
Now, I understand better why Chief Apostle Gunn says we need to apply the blood to our lives in everything. It is a healing balm, a power source, a faith booster, and purifying cleanser. If we reflect on and remember daily the shed blood of Jesus it will keep us grateful, humble, encouraged, empowered, unmoved, full of faith, willing, and hopeful. And it will cause us to desire purity because Jesus and his blood are pure.
Below are some notes from a message Chief Apostle Gunn taught on May 1, 2022. On that day the saints were singing a song with the lyrics “I plead, I plead the blood.” But Chief Apostle Gunn ensured that we understood the power and surrender behind what we were singing. He said to make sure we are not just saying the words to songs but that we understand them because the Lord ministers through those words.
Remember that Jesus died for YOU. YOU will always have a reason to praise because your soul was bought and paid for by his blood.
Take time daily to tell God THANK YOU for the shed blood of his Son, for his death, for his burial, and for his resurrection!
When there’s an adversary that’s battling your mind, even battling your budget, you can DECLARE WAR by pleading the blood.
THERE’S A REASON why the enemy has nothing to say about the blood of Jesus. (He knows its power).
When things in your life are stagnant, PLEAD THE BLOOD of Jesus.
When the money/provision God promised seems to be held up, PLEAD THE BLOOD.
Where you’ve been wrong; where you are mad and angry; where you’ve been hurt, you can REPENT, PRAY, and PLEAD the blood of Jesus.
Nothing is COMPLETE without the blood of Jesus.
Sin cannot be remitted by good deeds, kind thoughts, and missionary work. Because of the blood, we can be WASHED from our sin.
That situation doesn’t have to be your trouble anymore or your test anymore, you can plead the blood against it. And you can GO THROUGH IT because of the power of the blood.
When you are mistreated, PLEAD THE BLOOD of Jesus
When you feel your joy draining OUT, look to the BLOOD.
Your joy can run out, but the BLOOD OF JESUS NEVER RUNS OUT. Your peace can run out, but the blood of Jesus never runs out. Your strength can run out, but the blood of Jesus never runs out. LOOK TO THE BLOOD.
It is not just about repenting; it's about RECEIVING the blood of Jesus and doing something with it.
His blood has been shed for you. There’s NOTHING that can stop you NOW!
The blood of Jesus gives us the power to do right with all he entrusts us with. It helps us overcome selfishness, stinginess, greed, covetousness, wastefulness, and more. How we use and sow our money matters to God and matters to the Kingdom.
Listen to today's FORREAL RADIO BROADCAST "What Will Your Money Say" here: