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The Answer is in Your Yes, Peace is in Your Yes - The Watch Letter

Our Pastor Chief Apostle H.C. Gunn always tells us that it takes a well, made-up mind to do anything for the Lord and to receive and believe everything he has spoken over us and provided for us.

The other day a song kept coming up before me. It is a song my husband, Apostle Wayne, has sung a few times. The song is "I'll Just Say Yes" by Brian Courtney Wilson.

The specific part I keep hearing Apostle Wayne singing is:

And there is peace when I say yes

I might not see it now

But You save the best

For all who trust You and obey

There is an answer

No more delay.

This is what I believe the Lord is saying: Everything we are looking for is in our yes. The peace we search for can only be found in our yes. A well, made-up mind to serve God is our yes.

What is standing out strong in the song above is the line: "There is peace when I say yes."

Sometimes we are tormented with our thoughts, decisions, feelings, questions, habits, hurts, pasts, etc. And we can't figure out why we don't have peace? Why are we so unstable? Why are we so confused? Why do we feel so overwhelmed? Why do we feel so frustrated or defeated? Why are we so angry? It's usually because there is a place where we have not yet said Yes to God. Saying yes is another way of saying I surrender and I will obey you. It is a way of saying that whatever I have faced or am facing is not bigger than God.

1 Corinthians 14:33 says, "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace."

So, when we let God in a situation and make Him ruler and Lord of our lives, then we should begin to see the confusion and chaos come to peace.

If we are finding that our homes are full of chaos, we can check to see: "have I given God my yes and surrendered my children, my spouse, and the operations, management, and makings of my home?"

If we are finding chaos in our ministries, in our careers, in our lifestyles, in our relationships, we can check to see where we have not said yes. Usually, where there is no yes, there is a mess.

Saying yes to God's will and his way is a key that opens the door for God to come in and take charge of your life and every situation.

Chief Apostle Gunn has always told us that God wants to detail our life. Just like you get your car detailed, God cares about every corner, every crevice, every nook, and cranny. God wants to consume and fill our lives. In fact, that's the only way we can truly live for Him and live a life of peace -- when God has full control and full access to us.

Although God can see, touch, hear, and be everywhere, God only inhabits our lives when we invite Him in and that invitation is our yes, it is our obedience.

Going back to the song lyrics above, let's look at the definition of the word peace:

  • a state of tranquility

  • a state of security or order

  • freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions

  • harmony in personal relations

  • untroubled by conflict, agitation, or commotion

This is a good checklist for us to use to examine our lives. If we are not experiencing this kind of peace, we can ask ourselves where have we left God out. Yes, living for God does not mean we will not be fought by the enemy and face battles, but there still can be peace in the battle and peace in the circumstance. And we must ensure that there is a clear difference in our lives between being persecuted because we are following Christ versus inviting chaos, confusion and calamity in our lives because we have not invited God in with our yes and refuse to obey Him.

2 Corinthians 4:8-9: We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed

This scripture is assurance. It is assurance that when you say yes to God -- wholeheartedly -- in every area of your life -- no matter what you face or experience you will always come out on the right side, you will never be cast down and you will always have peace.

This scripture is also a testimony of my Pastor Chief Apostle Gunn and his companion Apostle Felicia Gunn. No matter what they face, they always walk in peace. It's their lifestyle. Their surrender to God is evident by their continuance, faithfulness, obedience, joy, and their ability to stay anchored in God and not let the winds of life move them. No, this is not just when they are standing before the congregation to preach or minister this is how they are all day, every day. They face many things we will never know of but they journey on. And this is available to all of us.

Isaiah 32:17: And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.

Everything we need is found in righteousness and righteousness comes from your yes to God. Living righteously yields the fruit of peace.

For many decades the phrase "Peace Out" has been a part of American culture. It was supposed to be a "hip" way of saying "goodbye." But one thing Chief Apostle Gunn has taught me is to think about what the world teaches us to say because words have meaning and they speak over our lives. We don't need "Peace Out," we need "Peace In." We cannot look for things on the outside to give us peace. Peace is only found within. The reason this country and this world is at war and divided and not at peace is that the people don't have peace within -- this goes for all races and all kinds. And that peace is lacking because billions of people have not yet said yes to the Lord.

In John 14:27, Jesus said: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid

Last week, Chief Apostle Gunn told us that the Lord wanted us to possess the land of obedience. Obedience is our yes. It is our willingness to do whatever it takes to please God. It is our willingness to do what he says and trust what he says, and surrender everything in our power and possession to Him. You see, possessing the land of promise is not just about ownership and riches and provision. In the Bible, when God called people to possess the land, he was showing them that if they followed Him and followed his instructions, he would not only fulfill their needs but also bring them to a place of rest and ensure peace within their borders.

Joshua 1:13: Remember the word which Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you, saying, The Lord your God hath given you rest, and hath given you this land.

The peace you are seeking is in your yes. Will you say yes today?


Remember to listen to our weekly FORREAL Radio Broadcast with Chief Apostle H.C. Gunn. He labors tirelessly to bring a word that will change lives over the airwaves and the internet every week. I want to encourage him and thank him for his faithfulness. The messages he brings are always on time, always apply to my life, always alive, and always on fire for God. Some of those answers you are looking for you can find by listening in here, including last week's message "Like My Lord Said Do":

1 Comment

Taketa Wiggins
Taketa Wiggins
Jan 18, 2022

Yes Lord, Yes Lord...My life is yours!!!! There's so much Power in a sincere Yes!!!! Glorrrryyy!!!! Lord, you can have my Yes back in the places where I reverted back to no!!!! Keep on moving Apostle Kanya!!!!

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