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What Are You Doing With Your Seeds? - Youth Blog

When we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we have to live in him each and every single day. We can’t choose to this day serve God, but the next day choose to serve Satan. When you aren't serving God, you're serving Satan no matter how you look at it. We are supposed to choose to serve God every day, 24 hours a day. The word teaches us and helps us to live in God everyday, as well as prayer, the preaching from our leaders, choosing to not sin against God etc. We have to decide to live for God every day, it shouldn’t be cut off like a light switch. Different seeds have been planted in us that help influence and encourage us to serve God in one way or the other. Maybe it was a message from your pastor, an aunt's encouragement, a sermon you heard on the radio, etc. Whatever it is, that seed is planted in you, and it is up to you if you are going to continue to let it grow or not. READ MORE


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