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What have you De-Sided? The Watch Letter

There is a song our choir used to sing and the chorus alone is so sobering. It simply says: I’m on the Lord’s side. I’m on the Lord’s side. I’m on the Lord's side. 

We may go to church every Sunday, and pray every day. We may read the word often and pay our tithes faithfully. But in all of that, are we really on the Lord’s side? Or are we on our own side; the side of evil; or indifferent (on no side) and hanging in the wind?

I was thinking over a conversation I had with our Pastor Chief Apostle Gunn recently. He told me the Lord said he was “on my side” regarding a legal matter and that I had already won because God was with me. 

It made me think about how we always want God to be on our side. We want his favor, grace, protection, justice, elevation, blessing, strength, and peace. But who is on the Lord’s side? David said: What can I render for ALL your benefits toward me? He offered himself to be on God's side. He let God know: I know you are my source and I want to give my life to you as you sustain me.

Chief Apostle Gunn has preached before: “AGREE WITH GOD.”

And that is the doorway to get to God’s side. We have to agree with his word, instruction, correction, requirements, and with who he sent - no matter how we feel or think. Apostle Felicia Gunn recently testified that we can choose to obey God even if it’s hard for us. We can ask him to help us, tell him where we struggle, but surrender our will to his. That’s what David did.

If we can’t agree with God, how can we love him? The Bible asks: How can two walk together unless they agree? One big area that keeps us out of agreement with God and therefore in enmity with him is that we don’t love what he loves and we don’t hate what he hates. 

Psalm 97:10a: Ye that love the Lord; hate evil.

To hate evil is to hate what is morally wrong, bad, cruel, unpleasant, or that which causes unnecessary pain and suffering. That is not just other people’s evil but our own. Being on the Lord’s side is working to ensure evil is not found in us, our homes, the surroundings we choose, our decisions, and our daily routines. 

Joshua 24:15 - And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

1 Corinthians 10:21–23 - Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils.

Chief Apostle Gunn said at the end of 2024 that the Lord revealed to him that 2025 will be a serious time. We are one month and six days into the year and calamity, chaos, and confusion are everywhere. We cannot make it without God. Where will go? What will do? How will be safe and sound without him?

But we can’t be leeches or part-timers. We have to love the Lord enough to never leave his side.

That’s why the word says: And we know that all things work together for the good of them that love God, and who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Many quote this scripture and think because they say they love God, know of God, or are churchgoers that they will be among those who experience the “all things work together for the good” part. But the second part says those who answer his call and live according to his purpose (stay on his side) are the ones who are destined to experience that.

I encourage everyone to revisit the recent broadcast message “Your Power of Choice” on our Listen In page:

Join us in giving toward Chief Apostle Gunn’s spring financial appreciation in recognition of his faithfulness and giving spirit by sowing here:


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