you Vs. GOD - The Watch Letter
You can't let anything be in competition with your love for GOD.
You were made to be with GOD first.
My father and Pastor, Chief Apostle H.C. Gunn, shared this one day. And I believe it contains everything we need to succeed in Christ. When we stop loving SELF more than GOD, then we can truly walk in victory, because like Chief Apostle Gunn has always told us, "the only thing that can stop you is you. The devil doesn't have that much power over you. GOD has given us a choice."
GOD is requiring us to tear down the idol of SELF now! It is better for us to tear it down instead of getting knocked down by the hand of GOD. This is the year! This is the moment! We can't afford to go another day the same way. SELF is a horrible god that produces horrible results. SELF uses you up, spits you out, and leaves you to die (and others in your path). GOD picks you up, cleans you up, gives you life, and helps you be a light to others.
Your spouse, your children, your parents, your family way, your ministry, your career, your income, your desires, your ideas, your plans, your feelings, and even your disappointments should never be able to replace GOD on the throne of your heart, and when they do, that's how you know SELF is who you bow to.
GOD is trying to show us that the reason all these things end up being in first place in our lives when GOD should be instead, is because they all have one thing in common: SELF.
Everything that has to do with SELF continues to matter more than the GOD who made us a living soul.
We put people and how they make us feel before God because we want to be glorified in their eyes or vice versa, instead of glorifying God. And that's why people always hurt us because we weren't meant to be glorified by them or to glorify them. God never hurts us, yet we give his glory away to others or try to steal it from him.
We put our callings and professions before God because they make us feel important. After all, we don't value what God says about us. Yet we remain overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated by people but won't allow GOD to compel us to go the extra mile.
We put our plans, goals, and ideas before GOD because we believe we know better than GOD when it comes to what's best for our lives, and we don't want to wait for his direction or will to be accomplished. So, we hustle, pinch pennies, manipulate, scramble, stress, covet, lust, worry, blame, push, apply pressure, rush, sneak, hold back, hide, lie, and more to make things happen and ignore that GOD says his yoke is easy and his burden is light.
We put desires, feelings, and disappointments before GOD because the spirit and word of GOD aren't good enough for us to bring us comfort, hope, and peace. So, we rebuke the HOLY spirit from our lives and instead welcome in the spirits that give us a false sense of security. And those spirits open the floodgates for all others to come in.
Lately, the Lord has been emphasizing to us in the Body to watch in the spirit. And as we have been learning more about watching and waiting, under the leadership of Chief Apostle Gunn, one thing that keeps standing out more and more is how much SELF is ruling our hearts in the Body of Christ.
I have observed that we, as saints, have heard good news about someone else and quickly move to insert our good news over theirs.
I have noted how when a promise happens for someone else, we begin to ask what about me? Or find a way to cast a cloud over their blessing.
I have seen how we will try to over-emphasize our needs and wants when we notice someone else's need is addressed before ours.
I have been grieved as we try to amplify our good deeds or spiritual growth over another in our testimonies, or we will water down the word or refuse to testify if we feel convicted or the word didn't "satisfy" our flesh.
I have been saddened to see how we will close our hands or sabotage something just to keep someone else from having, especially our leader and ministers.
If God was truly on the throne of our hearts, like our pastor has taught us, then our hearts would be in submission to God's emphasis on selflessness.
Exodus 20:3
You shall have no other gods before me.
1 Corinthians 10:24
No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.
James 3:16
For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
I let this post sit for a few days to ensure it was what God wanted to be posted. Then this Sunday during service Chief Apostle Gunn said the following:
If you're old ways and habits are still around YOU, it's because you are accepting the old YOU.
What are YOU walking after: is it (your) flesh or the spirit?
Practice against compromise, practice against the devil, and practice against YOU!
What do YOU think about? YOU have to want to renew your mind.
Some years ago, Chief Apostle Gunn preached about the albatross spirit. It comes from the movie Finding Nemo. A group of the birds in the movie saw something they wanted and that was all they could focus on. They began to say "mine, mine, mine" one after the other, over and over, and before you knew it they all seemed to have gone insane chasing after what they wanted for themselves.
Where are we choosing insanity over a God who is trying to give us a sound mind?
Take a listen back to last year's broadcast message titled: "Don't Fool Yourself."
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Love, Apostle Kanya